Three-chamber cross flow system

PDF Series / horizontal design

Make-up unit for liquid polymers
Optimum maturing time with continuous provision of an accurately concentrated solution.

Standard units
from PDF 500 to PDF 4000
with 5.0 – 40.0 kg active substance per hour

Two-chamber batch system

PCF Series / horizontal design

Make-up unit for liquid polymers
Fully automated control of the make-up process
Extraction of an accurately concentrated solution from one chamber while solution is simultaneously being made up in the second chamber.

Standard units
from PCF 500 to PCF 4000
with 5.0 – 40.0 kg active substance per hour

Two-chamber batch system

PCFD-R Series / vertical design

Make-up unit for liquid polymers with fully automated control. With the two chambers being arranged one on top of the other, the on-site space requirements are considerably reduced.

Standard units
from PCFD-R 500 to PCFD-R 2000
with 5.0 – 20.0 kg active substance per hour

Two-chamber cross flow system

FWA Series / horizontal design

Make-up unit for liquid polymers
Small space and power requirements

Standard units
from FWA 300 to FWA 12000
with 3.0 – 120.0 kg active substance per hour

Inline unit for liquid polymers

PolyMix Series

Inline unit for liquid polymers with highly accurate product preparation and immediate dosage without the need of adhering to any maturing times. This unit does not require a separate tank.

Standard units
from PolyMix 2000 to PolyMix 20000
with 2 – 200 kg active substance per hour

Make-up unit for liquid polymers

DynaMix Series

This unit design allows for a space-saving installation. Optimum mixing of the polymer solution for storage in an external on-site tank.

Standard units
from DynaMix 1000 to DynaMix 9000
with 10 – 90 kg active substance per hour

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